Founded on the values of always being helpful, trusted and reliable, I'm dedicated to delivering unparalleled service daily through a unique, concierge experience for my clients- as no two properties, or clients, are the same.

The way real estate should be.

Helpful. trusted. reliable.

My Mantra

To cultivate helpful, trusted and reliable relationships our clients, partners, service providers, peers and our communities.

verb; develop land for growing; nurture; take care of.

A word very personal to Heather as her family has been farming in Mercer County for over 100 years.
(right): Heather on her family's West Windsor farm picking strawberries in 1985.

My Cornerstones

INTEGRITY: To move through each day performing our duties to the utmost benefit of my client, always.

COLLABORATION: To work together with those around me to produce exceptional results.

INGENUITY: To think outside-the-box with bold innovation and creativity.

SERVICE: To care for others as though they are my own and be of assistance to those in need.

GENEROSITY: To be abundant with my knowledge, our skills, and our gifts to all I meet.

Heather Tindall Robillard

Homes by HTR Founder Heather Tindall Robillard has a strong desire to represent with the utmost integrity, the avid resolve to produce impactful results and the passion to provide unparalleled service. This drive has lead Heather to grow to the top 10% of REALTORS in New Jersey year after year since 2016.

Nice Move.

A nice move isn't the compliment for your stellar execution of "the sprinkler" on the dancefloor or the chess move that stops your opponent dead in their tracks. Rather, it's the confidence that a "nice move" brings you after you've executed something to perfection.

Real estate is no different. Buying or selling a home is one of the largest investments you'll make in your lifetime. Who you choose to represent you matters.

Our goal is to help you feel informed and knowledgeable about the process; giving you confidence in each decision you make throughout your transaction. And leave you saying to yourself, "nice mooove" the moment you step through your new door... and every day after.

REcent Sales


The HTR Acronym

HELPFUL: We strive to be your helpful resource- providing information and insights so you can make educated decisions.

TRUSTED: We work hard daily to become you trusted advisor- knowing that trust is hard to earn and easily lost.⁠

RELIABLE: We promise to be your reliable advocate- walking alongside our clients and protecting their rights along the way.⁠

Heather  became "SERHANT Certified" in 2020 after graduating from Ryan Serhant's sales program.

(right) Heather with "Million Dollar Listing NY" star and Serhant. founder, Ryan Serhant.

I am committed to upholding all fair housing laws in the State of NJ.