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Heather Tindall Robillard is a 12th generation Central New Jerseyan sharing her take on the NJ real estate market and how to maximize your power in your next real estate transaction.


7 Things to Look for in a Listing Agent

June 3, 2024

Last updated:

Ready to make a move? Choosing the right real estate agent to represent you can definitely feel overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! Here are 7 things to look for when searching for your next agent:

The Right Designation

First and foremost, it’s important to find a real estate agent who specializes in selling properties. Some agents focus solely on buyers, while others handle both sides of the transaction. Make sure you choose a seller’s agent rather than a selling agent, as the latter represents buyers.

Neighborhood Expertise

You’ll want a real estate agent who is an expert in your specific neighborhood. It’s ideal if they have already spent a considerable amount of time and made numerous visits to your area. This way, they’ll have a deep understanding of the local market.

Communication Skills

Great communication is key when working with a real estate agent. Look for someone who excels at negotiating and building rapport with people. An initial interview with a potential agent can give you a good sense of how they will effectively communicate your interests to prospective buyers.

Knowledge of the Local Market

A top-notch real estate agent will strive to get a fair price for your home. It’s crucial to ensure your agent has extensive knowledge of the local market. Their expertise will provide you with essential insights into properly listing your home based on current market conditions.

Track Record

Experience matters, especially when it comes to selling your home for the first time. Take a look at a real estate agent’s track record and consider checking online reviews or speaking to people in your area who have sold their homes with their assistance. This can give you a better understanding of their performance and client satisfaction.


Most real estate agents work with multiple clients simultaneously. It’s important to select an agent who is willing to offer ongoing support and provide you with maximum attention. You shouldn’t have to chase after your agent while dealing with the pressures of selling your property.

Contract and Fee Structure

Always inquire about the fee structure of a real estate agent to ensure it aligns with your budget. The general commission rate typically falls between 5 to 6 percent. Remember, the lower the commission, the more money you’ll receive from the sale of your home. However, if the rate is higher, don’t hesitate to ask questions and negotiate. Depending on the value of your property, the agent may be open to offering a fee reduction.

With these 7 considerations in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to find the perfect real estate agent who will guide you through a successful home selling journey. And if you’re looking to sell in Central New Jersey, let’s chat! I’d love to see if we’re a good fit together.

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